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Author Topic: Website Migration  (Read 1950 times)


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Website Migration
« on: June 15, 2006, 21:03:25 pm »
All, we moved our site to a new server last night so please let me know if you see anything out of whack on the site.

The only thing I have noticed is that the time stamp on everyone's forum profile get messed up because the server is in another time zone than previous. So you may have to go into your forum profile and change the time zone setting to match up with where your at.

email or PM me if you see broken stuff. Our epicmarine Q/A department is on break...for the rest of the year...so...YOU'RE IT.  ;D
2000 Epic S22, Monster Tower, Monster Bimini, Acme 525 Prop, Tow Vehicle: 2003 4Runner


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Re: Website Migration
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2006, 05:45:16 am »
Oh man, I just got out of the hospital. The Epicmarine.com withdrawals took me last night. I was dizzy, puking, couldn't see straight and was delirious. If you ever do that to me again Lesman, I'm gonna take a trip down south, catch one of them gaters, and drop the sucker in your boat under the cover. You'll get a nasty surprise when you head to the lake the next time. Don't worry 'bout me though. The docs at the hospital hooked me up with E.R.A. (Epic Riders Anonymous). They say if I go to five meetings a week, I won't have this problem again. They'll give me a sponsor, support, and all the coffee and cigarettes I can stand. Wait, I don't drink coffee and I don't smoke. I don't even like people and don't need any stinking support. Screw those guys! I'm goin' to the lake! That's all the support I need. Thanks for all your hard work Dr. Les. Why give up my addiction to the site. What else have I got to do with my life than check Epicmarine.com like 10 times a day. Just don't ever take her down for so long again. Remember the gaters.
03 Pilot, 01 Epic SX, 330 cc bombers and 4 kids in back. Working to retire to a lakeside cottage with my own boat dock.