So I changed out the fuel pumps, boat fired right up. Took it out and no issues.
Took it out again next day made it 45 to the island no problems.
heading back from the island the wind picked up and the water was pretty choppy.
about half way back I noticed that the boat was backing off on power but wasnt from my input.
then it would cut way back several times.
If i went back to nuetral or a slow cruise I could speed back up for another 20 seconds then it would start slowing itself down again.
Not sure but it seems like its starving for fuel pressure, then my assumption is when i let it mellow for a bit, it builds psi back up and allows for longer run.
I think I will double check all the fittings and connections to make sure the slamming around on the waves didn't know something loose.
It was great all day before hand, so I'm really crossing my fingers its something simple.
Poor Toyboata has had a rough month