Thanks for the info Rick - See my answers below:
2 things to check
1 is there good water flow from the lake thru the sea strainer then heat exchanger then exhaust manifold, then muffler then pipe then out the single 4 inch exhaust .... what is the temp of lake and temp at exhaust
The water flow from the lake is pretty good and a good chunk of water comes out the back exhaust when I rev the engine. The impeller was recently replaced. The boat is on Lake Tahoe so the water is quite cold, around 60-60 F. The temp at the exhaust on Fake a Lake seems pretty cool, however, when I run the boat with a wake surfer behind me there is definitely steam, which I think means the water coming out is warm?
2. What is the engine temperature? The gauge is very accurate....
As soon as you start______ , at 1500 rpm _______.
The temp is at the lowest mark for the first couple of minutes and then raises to around 160 when I rev @ 1500
3. There is an allen set screw I think about a 3/8 remove that to vent air out of to thermostat
I did vent the system while on the lake thanks to Wakejunky (Doug) who walked me through it. I did vent for a while, and lot of air was coming out each time I opened it and I was adding coolant. It took nearly half of gallon of the pink stuff (Toyota Coolant)
4. If you open cap before you start how much coolant can you add each time ?
Normally the reservoir level does not change.
Are you adding no more then 50 % of antifreeze. Don't use a silicone based antifreeze.
I added a lot when I was burping the system
5 remove both black rubber caps on the heater pipes next to elec panel. and place a clear hose to the other and raise the hose high as possible
Can you clarify on this? I am not sure what you mean.
6. What is the hull number ?
I don't know, since I am not near the boat, but it is the same boat that Doug (Wakejunky) owned.
Capt Rick