Hi all, I have a 1999 Epic X22 and am having an ongoing leak problem. The back floors, mainly starbord side, are constantly wet. I keep the boat moored and am wondering where the water is coming from. Last year I had the shaft packing replaced with a dripless system so it should not be coming from there. There is a tiny (grain of rice size) hole in the back hull, starboard side, above the swim step. Is this the leak? Or am I missing something.
PS. Last year the auto-switch on the bilge failed so I put in a new bilge pump. Even though I have a dripless shaft packing I am still getting water in the hull.
Also, before I put it in the water this year I put about 28 gallons of water into the hull and nothing came out the bottom. I did NOT fill it up enough to reach the pin-hole.
Thanks for your advice in advance.
Best, Gulfster.