This happened on the 19th Spy aka Howie wrote:
Just info on what happen today. Me and Colby were riding and we were on our last set of the day. As he was doing one of his normal w2w jumps he got off balance at the end of the jump and caught an edge.he hit his head hard but was able to take his board off and get back in the boat. He passed out about 5min later. Hes in critical condition right now 3am. the dods say Hes totaly brain dead and the doctors said they didnt think hed make it through the night, Please pray for him he is one of our. OWN. from Howie on the 20thSo every things been crazy sorry guys. Colby is still in critical condition. Hes officially in a coma now, and has been hooked up to a brain wave machine. The doctors said he had a seizure last night, which isnt a good thing. But to be positive when they test to see if there any reaction in him they pinch him really hard. He didnt like that and his hand moved to try and slap the doctors pinching him. So that to me is a good sign. also when they looked into his eyes they moved slightly, they say its good that there is a response but hes still in very critical condition. It appers to me that our prayers are working, i know this because they said they didnt think he would last the first night, and look whats happen. and now hes moving slightly. The power of prayers is amazing.
The donations are awesome guys, you dont realize how much this is going to help. He may be young but he owns his own house and car and has done well for himself. and not having insurance sucks also. But i know in my heart of hearts everything will be taken care of. Ill be back on later tonight with an update.
keep praying its working.
God Bless All of you