Optima blue top bought in 2003. Reading up a bit on them last night. Bottom of the battery comes in two colors, make sure you go with the white/light gray not the dark gray. There is also discussion of an AGM sold by Sears that's a private label version of the Odyssey if I recall correctly. Lots of people hate the Optima, and I've heard they've gone downhill since when I bought it.
But how can I not buy another? After that run, they've so earned another try.
Still trying to think how our use case was the right formula. We didn't have an amplifier until last year, and besides occasional fat sack pumps, there's no reall accys drawing power. For at least five years (maybe more) have switched it between the boat and old daily driver (95 Toyota pickup with 22RE and zero electrical stuff.) It's got 500 boat engine hours on it and maybe 75-100K truck miles. Average probably six lake trips per year. Never ever used a maintainer. Did run it to zero twice and just overnight charged it back.