My '99 X22 is having issues with the gauges. The Temp Gauge and Oil Pressure Gauge are both fully pegged and not functioning (both speedometers are stuck at "zero" which I find less critical). The Oil Pressure needle tries to reset, and jitters around periodically but stays on "full" / pegged. The Temp Gauge needle has no movement at all and stays at "full" / pegged. I'll be going through all of the diagnostics as time permits to track down my issue. I've read through all 1000 gauge threads and would welcome any additional starting points, but will be starting with the troubleshooting guide first.
In the meantime, if the Temp and Oil Pressure gauges aren't functioning, would the boat still sound an alarm for overheating or low oil pressure? I have no indications of overheating currently (manifolds are warm - never hot), just want to be safe.