I did it this fall with my X22. Pulled the intake hose, loosened the clamp by the strainer so I could spin the intake hose 180 degrees to face up and just ran my hose in there for a minute or two to warm it up a bit. Shut off the boat and took a 2 litre pop bottle that I had cut the bottom out of and used it as a funnel. It fit nicely into the intake hose end. I filled it with RV antifreeze and started the engine again. Kept pouring it in till my son, who was standing at the back of the boat catching it in a bucket, said it was running out in a pretty solid pink color. I think after the first gallon it was starting to change color... ultimately we used just under 2 gallons. I then still went and did the drain thing... and while doing so realized I had not taken out the thermostat before running antifreeze (will next year for sure). Antifreeze came out every drain plug... I am feeling pretty safe for winter.
Speaking with another person where the dealer did this for him a few years ago, the dealer did not pay attention to the shower and he had a leak in the spring that ultimately gave him a lot of grief. Make certain you either get lots of antifreeze into the heater and shower or drained well.
We are in central Alberta and it gets very cold here... -30 or even a bit colder and can stay that way for a few days or a week at a time. If it can freeze, it will here.