I think I just got called out.
I'll take some pics on the water, just as soon as WEDDING season is over. I haven't been wakeboarding in about 6 weeks now... since about the 4th of July. Weddings go until mid-September, every weekend (I just got back from one in Bellingham a few hours ago). It sucks!
Anyway, I will take pics with the full setup loaded. I don't do it very often because I usually run with such a big crew. But the custom rear sack -- no excuses, that one is almost always full.
Flyn2001, the same thing happens to mine when you get water settled in the overflow hose. Lift the hose to let the water run back into the bag, and it should clear the hose so air can pass through. I usually climb inside my trunk and lay on the bag until it deflates... mine does this a lot more than it used to with my custom ballast sack, as the top of the sack now is now about equal with the overflow valve.
Here is a pic of how my boat sits in the water with just the trunk ballast full, courtesy of MasonLk at the Epic Roundup (and there's a Pete sighting in the back seat!!).