Sorry for the extremely delayed response!! I'm a retard and I've been working too much.
Here's a pic of the volume control I made for my boat. It is essentially three PAC LC1's in a package, with a USB port for my old skool Ipod shuffle. I am pretty much wide open for building what you need. I put a black anodized, engraved and color filled faceplate on it, the controls and lettering, font, etc can be whatever you want. It can be underdash, like mine (double stick tape) or panel mount, whatever you want. I can put a preamp or line driver in it if you want. Whatever you need:)
Of course, MY version of the LC1 has true audio taper (1/2 turn = 1/2 volume) and much higher quality parts than the crappy LC1.
I put this learning remote on my SX this spring. I must say, I really don't use it. It has no display, and I've been using the hi spd IPOD connection on my new Alpine deck. You have to have your Ipod organized very well, i.e. playlists to be able to find what you want to play at a given time. It's good for changing the volume from outside the boat, or turning it on or off, muting etc. while you are floating. The V drive boats don't have the little shelf like the D drives do, I would mount it on the vertical part above the step on your boat. Mine is under the rub rail and looks like it would be fine but people ALWAYS lean on the volume control when putting on boards:)
It is a stock Sony remote attached to the guts of a learning remote control. It works with almost any head unit that has remote capabilities. It works by attaching a small LED to the side of the radio cover, so that it hits the remote LED on the head unit itself. You can teach it any command that the factory remote can do.
I'm stuck with it now, 1" hole:) I think it will grow on me when I get my Ipod organized enough, I need to flat GET RID of some music I put on it. Like your bro's Ipod, you do NOT want to hit Shuffle on mine. Buzzkill guaranteed within 3 songs.