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Author Topic: Serpentine Belt Broke - Overheated - Now what?  (Read 774 times)


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Serpentine Belt Broke - Overheated - Now what?
« on: July 16, 2018, 05:09:19 am »
Out on the river today and my serpentine belt broke. The boat started running rough so I slowly idled back to the dock thinking it was a fuel filter or plugs, something simple. I didn't notice the belt. My temperature gauge has been acting up lately and working intermittently but i thought it was operating fine today. It wasnt. The gauge didn't spike and the alarm didn't sound and I got caught. I noticed smoke from the exhaust and immediately shut it down, but clearly it overheated pretty bad. The risers were hot to the touch.

What now? What could I have damaged with the overheat and what are the things I should look for? Obviously the serpentine belt is the least of my worries. Very frustrated with myself as a functioning temp gauge would have prevented this. Headgasket? Cracked manifolds? What's the procedure after an overheat?


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Re: Serpentine Belt Broke - Overheated - Now what?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2018, 16:00:53 pm »
I had the happen a last year.  My impeller failed.  (long story wont get in to that)  same thing the manifolds were smoking hot.  once I got the towed in I replaced my impeller and waited for it to all cool down.  then started it and it has been going strong since.  not really sure what you can look for without really taking things apart. 


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Re: Serpentine Belt Broke - Overheated - Now what?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2018, 17:17:17 pm »
I have done something very similar before but not with my Epic.

If it got as hot as you say then I would do the following:
1. Check oil, if really burnt smelling replace before doing anything else.
2. Replace serpentine belt
3. Compression check if you can, if not then move on.
3. Hook up to hose in driveway and see how it runs, let it run long enough to come up and hold temp.
-make sure water is flowing through system and out exhaust pipes
-watch for leaks anywhere on the motor
-make sure that none of the water intake hoses are collapsing, check anywhere the hose is close to the engine as they could soften up of fail due to the overheat but not that likely.
- check temp, make sure engine is staying at normal op temp
-check exhaust system for any leaks
- If all OK move on.
4. Shut down and let in completely cool down.
5. Check oil again, look for any milky look in oil. If OK then move on..
6. Replace the Rubber Exhaust hoses, even if the outside looks OK I am certain the inside is scorched and likely already de-laminating; it jsut a matter of time but they will fail...you DO NOT want that to happen unless you want to make an insurance claim for a sunk boat.
7. Also look VERY close at the muffler assembly, look for cracks, blistering, de-lamination ect...if anything here looks suspicious I would replace.
8. Hose test again, watch for leaks, funny noises, ect. and check oil
9. Lake test on trailer, watch for leaks, funny noises, ect. and check oil
10. Lake test close to shore or where you can beach it quickly, watch for leaks, funny noises, ect. and check oil
11. Lake test with friends / others that can assist if needed, watch for leaks, funny noises, ect. and check oil
12. If all still good then you have likely dodged a bullet...would watch close for a while and fix the temp gauge.

Worst cases:
1. If there is water (milky look to) in oil then its either a failed gasket or a cracked block.

2.If there are power issues, smoke out of exhaust then could be a collapsed piston rings, this usually shows up during compression check.

Just my $.02
Good luck!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 17:20:40 pm by cdlollar »