I don't have the answer you seek as I did mine myself. I bought the hoses off EBay from a seller known as boatman2zq8. Cut and Paste "3" ID MARINE BOAT WET EXHAUST HOSE WIRE REINFORCED PREMIUM MPI BRAND PER INCH" and you will get to the right spot - for an Epic 21. He cut them to size before shipping. The project is not too difficult but requires patience to get the old hoses off. WD-40 made getting the new ones on much easier than I feared even though I bought straight sections of hose! The old hoses looked brand new inside but, of course, by that time they may as well be replaced. Nothing like what some have experienced. This was one time my paranoia did not serve me well. The lingering issue is my KNEES. Something about the way I crawled around in the area messed with them. They hurt for 6 months...