With a heater and shower, that fuse can be overloaded. There is an upgrade in the docs on the maintenance page, swapping out the fuse holder. It is better to parallel the red/black stripe wire coming off the battery switch (where the aforementioned fuseholder is) and it's black partner coming off the battery. These two wires provide power to the dash, gauge computer, audio system, heater, shower, ballast etc. 20 amp 10 ga is not big enough. Put an 8 gau pair and appropriate sized fuse in there. There may be more that needs to be done on a V drive, I'm getting ready to do it on my SX, I will document it. I just got the sound system done though, and got the carpet truly clean. The last thing I want to do is tear it apart right now! I probably will do it after the season is over.
For now, you could put in a 30 amp fuseholder, that should fix the blowing of the fuse problem. Gauges being screwy, esp. the voltage gauge/alarm and temp gauge need bigger supply wires to the dash to fix. For now, I ignore.